Thursday, October 3, 2013

One person, big challenge

What a backwards world we live in. At this point I make that as a statement not a question to be answered. 
The questions are: why? How? Can it be fixed?
The widespread problem we face is a lack of respect for other individuals. We do not take ownership for our own actions and ridicule others that have no tolerance for poor social skills.
If it is perceived to be a new problem in America, I assure you it is not.
I have struggled and fought hard to raise my children with a keen sense of right and wrong. To instill in them a respect for others, an unselfish heart and the ability to champion for themselves and those who are being treated unfairly. Those who cannot help themselves.
Make no mistake, this has been my life's greatest challenge. And I am only one person, but my responsibility is to give society an adult who will give back to this world and not take from it just because they can.
I believe I have succeeded and am proud to say, my little family is not what is wrong with today!! 

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